Reviewed by Terri M. LeBlanc on

3 of 5 stars

I have attended quite a few conventions over the last couple of years so when I found Charisma +1: The Guide to Convention Etiquette featured in a StoryBundle collection, I immediately added it to my Amazon Wish List. As a somewhat outgoing Introvert, I am always looking for ways to improve my interactions with strangers. Sometimes I feel like an overeager puppy once I start talking and can’t seem to stop.

Charisma +1: The Guide to Convention Etiquette for Gamers, Geeks & the Socially Awkward (Life Stats) is a lighthearted approach to appropriate social interactions and how to go about meeting people. It also provided a quick break down of some common convention terms like the dreaded Con Crud, cosplay and Dealers Room.

Advice I Plan to Remember

“A fellow writer gave me the formula that he adopted for conventions, to help keep him sane and relatively healthy. Just remember 6-2-1.
6—At least 6 hours of sleep a night
2—A least two meals a day
1—One shower every day”
It’s the 6 hours of sleep I find the hardest do when I am among my own people!

And while I didn’t pick up any personal tips beyond…don’t be shy, it doesn’t hurt to approach people and try and start a conversation (and get plenty of sleep)…I do believe it would be a helpful book for someone who has never attended a fanish convention before. Or perhaps for a convention committee looking for ideas (Hygiene fairies?!).

This review was originally posted on Second Run Reviews

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  • 1 August, 2015: Reviewed