Boyfriend from Hell by Jamie Quaid

Boyfriend from Hell (Saturn's Daughter)

by Jamie Quaid

Justine (Tina) Clancy is just an ordinary law student in Baltimore's radioactive Zone until, in a fit of fury, she damns her boyfriend to hell--and that's exactly where he ends up. Turns out, Tina is one of Saturn's daughters, with the power to wield vigilante justice. But poor Max didn't deserve to go up in flames; now Tina needs a posse like no other to free Max from hell, save her own neck, and solve a mystery that threatens the Zone and her newfound friends, all while finding time to study for finals.

Reviewed by littleread1 on

3 of 5 stars

Tina has a rough life; she is disabled due to an unfortunate event in college, she works in the Zone - which was affected by a nasty chemical spill that has some bizarre side affects, and her boyfriend just tried to kill her. Oh, and she is in her last semester of law school.

Good lord I was so confused early on. I couldn't figure out if it was magic, chemical reactions, or what the heck was causing some of the oddities of the Zone. And the people in the Zone. In this story I learned things with Tina, which can be hard. Only getting one side of the story can make things complicated, in that I am never sure what is going on. And that is what I am going to blame my lack of ability to follow the story on.

It really was all over the place. It felt like a really good idea for a book, but like it was missing those thoughtful insights from the MC that help you empathize with her. She was just kind of bleh.

Her love interest/boss, Andre, is the reason I liked this book more than I probably should have. I kept reading for the scenes he showed up in. He is frustratingly mysterious and I thought he was fantastically hilarious. And he is sexy. You know I am a sucker for sexy bad boys with a soft spot for their girl. Well, what they see as their girl, even if she disagrees.

And I got so confused at the end, I am still not 100% sure what the f**k just happened.

I mean ... what? Not a cliffhanger, but it definitely leaves options open for more stories. Will I read them? Possibly. I really liked Andre. :-)

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  • Started reading
  • 7 October, 2012: Finished reading
  • 7 October, 2012: Reviewed