A Pilgrimage of Swords by Anthony Ryan

A Pilgrimage of Swords (The Seven Swords, #1)

by Anthony Ryan

It is two hundred years since the deity known as the Absolved went mad and destroyed the Kingdom of Alnachim, transforming it into the Execration, a blasted wasteland filled with nameless terrors. For decades, desperate souls have made pilgrimage to the centre of this cursed land to seek the Mad God’s favour, their fate always unknown.

Now a veteran warrior known only as Pilgrim, armed with a fabled blade inhabited by the soul of a taunting demon, must join with six others to make the last journey to the heart of the Execration. Allied with a youthful priest, a beast-charmer, a duplicitous scholar, an effete actor and two exiled lovers, Pilgrim must survive madness, malevolent spirits, unnatural monsters and the ever-present risk of treachery, all so that the Mad God might hear his prayer and, perhaps, grant redemption. But can sins such as his ever be forgiven?

Reviewed by annieb123 on

5 of 5 stars

Originally published on my blog Nonstop Reader.

A Pilgrimage of Swords is a stunning novella by Anthony Ryan. Released 30th Sept 2019 by Subterranean Press, it's 128 pages and available in hardcover and ebook formats (hardcover limited edition format may be sold out).

This is a beautifully spare story which reminds me of a doorstop fantasy (complete with a map at the front, demons, battles, curses, bandits, an epic quest and the rest) condensed down to 128 incredibly compact pages. I've always had a particular fondness for short fiction because it is spare and technically challenging, so you get a better feel for an author's expertise with the form.

I would love to read another couple thousand pages in this world with (some of) these characters and reading this novella left me desperately hungry for the 'what-comes-next'. I sincerely hope the author writes more (much more) in this world-time setting.

Five stars. Just wonderful epic fantasy in a short format.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

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  • 25 November, 2019: Reviewed