Illustrated Practical Encyclopedia of Archaeology by Chris Catling

Illustrated Practical Encyclopedia of Archaeology

by Chris Catling

This book is a hands-on resource for the amateur, student or volunteer as well as a reference for those interested in the world's greatest archaeological finds and the people who discovered them. The first part of the book explores the many fields of archaeology, from forensics applied to burial sites through to the deciphering of ancient languages. The techniques involved in an excavation are unravelled, from the initial surface sampling of a site to the post-excavation practice of dating finds and building matrices. The book then looks at the people who have been responsible for many of the most important discoveries in world archaeology, and the final section of the book is an overview of the world's greatest archaeological sites broken down into sections on specific geographic regions.

Reviewed by inlibrisveritas on

4 of 5 stars

A very good book for someone genuinely interested in archaeology. It goes through everything from what the science is, famous people and sites, how to excavate, and it even gives websites for various things

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  • 13 January, 2011: Reviewed