Reviewed by chymerra on

4 of 5 stars

Push picks up two months after Beat ends.

Nik and his group of Pushers are living in the woods, near New Fisko, and they are battling relentless Ranjers who are determined to wipe them out of existence.

During one attack on their camp, the Ranjers kill several people and take Niks mother and father (Kayt and Bruse) hostage per the Prime Administrator. He is warned that if he goes after them to find out where they were, then he will kill Nik’s parents. Which is the wrong thing to say to Nik.

They travel to another site (where other survivors from New Frisko are). After they get there, a group of Wanderers happen to wander near the camp (which is located in a cave). The leader of the triune of Wanderers dropped a bombshell on Nik. He knows information about Holland (the Prime Administrator) and is willing to let Nik know….if Nik lets Devera, a young Wanderer girl, join his triune. After making that decision, he returns to the caves to find Dyana and Pol arguing about Nik not being the leader of the Pushers. It escalates to Dyana blaming Nik for everything that happened from the destruction of New Frisko to present day. Nik makes the announcement that he will go traveling to San Francisco to see what intel he can get on Holland.

The trip to San Francisco is pretty much drama free and the trip to find Holland’s offices are too. One of the Wanderers, Lily, was alerted to an attack being planned by the Ranjers that targeted her father and she left with Pol and James to go warn him what was happening. Leaving Melisa and Nik to search the building. What they turned up (and almost died for) was something that would rock their worlds.

From this point on, the book focuses on Nik, James, Lily, Pol and Melisa and their journey to go free Nik’s parents. It is full of action and there was a twist that I kinda saw coming and one that I didn’t see coming.

I did think that Nik must have nine lives. That boy was beaten, stabbed, impaled with metal, shot and choked. He didn’t die. I seriously was in awe over that….lol. Either he was super lucky or he was a superhuman. I am still trying to figure that one out.

The substory of the Wanderers and the Outsiders was interesting. The Outsiders fascinated me and I really wished that there was more background on them. A society of people who have piercings, tattoos and body modifications while being artistic fascinated me.

The end of the book was great. I couldn’t get a feel if there is going to be a book 3 (there is the NorthWest, SouthWest, MidWest, SouthEast and NorthEast to explore…hint, hint).

How many stars will I gave Push? 4

Why: A great 2nd book that didn’t hold back on the action.

Will I reread: Yes

Will I reccomend to family and friends: Yes

Age Range: Teen

Why: No sex (a couple of very mild kissing scenes) and no language. Lots of violence.

**I chose to leave this review after reading an advance reader copy**

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  • Started reading
  • 8 February, 2017: Finished reading
  • 8 February, 2017: Reviewed