Reviewed by EBookObsessed on

3 of 5 stars

Interesting enough this took place during WWI. Most war stories seem to take place in WWII. It was also very interesting to read the descriptions of the medical care which soldiers received although there wasn't much change since the civil war. It was pretty much diagnosis through smell. They smelled the patient to determine infection and then they pretty much cut off limbs or sections of dead flesh. Penicillin anyone? One orderly was surprised about the new orders to wear clean clothes and wash every day, and the instruments was soaked in alcohol to clean them. Not rubbing alcohol...brandy. Modern medicine is a wonderful thing.

Although the medical aspect were interesting and quite scary, the characters of Rose and Herman were kind of bland. They were laid back and there was no tension, sexual or otherwise. There was moments where it could have gotten more interesting like when Herman was mad that Rose kept calling him Sir instead of Herman, and he would turn her over his knee if she didn't stop.

Rose does get arrested at one point and they simply keep her in a cell, take her out for questions which she vaguely answers, and then they put her back in the cell. Apparently, pre-Nazi Germany had a kinder, gentler interrogation practice.

It was an interesting story, but for a story set in the middle of the war, it was kind of boring.

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  • 9 October, 2013: Finished reading
  • 9 October, 2013: Reviewed