Conspiracy of Fools by Kurt Eichenwald

Conspiracy of Fools

by Kurt Eichenwald

In late 2001, the Enron Corporation--a darling of the financial world, a company whose executives were friends of presidents and the powerful--imploded virtually overnight, leaving vast wreckage in its wake and sparking a criminal investigation that would last for years. Journalist Eichenwald transforms the Enron scandal into a rip-roaring narrative of epic proportions, suitable for readers of thrillers and business books alike. In the roller-coaster style of a novel, the narrative takes readers behind every closed door--from the Oval Office to the executive suites, from the highest reaches of the Justice Department to the homes and bedrooms of the top officers. It is a tale of global reach--from Houston to Washington, from Bombay to London, from Munich to Sao Paulo--laying out the unbelievable scenes that twisted together to create this shocking true story.

Reviewed by remo on

4 of 5 stars

Espectacular relato del ascenso y caída de Enron. El primer tercio es bastante soso; nos cuentan en él todas las malas ideas que Enron (algunos empleados y directivos de Enron) tuvo para expandir su negocio y a la vez dar mayores resultados (ficticios). En el segundo tercio todo lo que puede ir mal empieza a ir mal y en la parte final del libro los buenos toman el mando para intentar salvar la empresa con poco éxito. las últimas 200 páginas son de infarto, casi de novela de aventuras.

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  • 28 February, 2012: Finished reading
  • 28 February, 2012: Reviewed