Reviewed by anastasia on

5 of 5 stars

**I received a copy from the author in exchange for an honest review**
This story was extremely well written. I really liked it, it was slow paced, but it was an exciting and action packed adventure story of young adults who learn the right and wrongs of the elements that they can control.
Fire is about a world with four realms and each realm controls a different element. The Helians that control fire, Arcans control air, Brizan's control water, and the Sephans control the land. This book focuses mainly on two of these, but does have all four.
The story was told in the two main character’s Roxy and Jasmine’s POVs.
Roxy is a Helian Princess, she controls fire, and is trained to be a protector. The realm, she lives in is selfish and only wants to gain power. I liked her character in the beginning of the novel but as the story progressed, as I learned more about her, I started to dislike her. She’s spoiled, has a bad attitude, she thinks she’s better than the other people in the other realms, and refers to them as stupid quite often. Ughhh!
Jasmine or rather Jazz, was raised in the Arcan realm, a rival realm. She has lived her life not knowing her parents. She is the only character in the story who doesn’t know which realm she’s from, she has a little bit of each realm in her. I liked her personality; she was always very kind and devoted to her friends and family.
Brae, the prince of Arcans and Jazz’s best friend.

Overall this was a fun read filled with magic and good vs. evil. I loved all the characters. I highly recommend it!
I can’t wait for the next book in the series!!!!

Happy Reading!

~Ana @SoManyBooksSoLittleTime~

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  • Started reading
  • 23 June, 2013: Finished reading
  • 23 June, 2013: Reviewed