Reviewed by stacey_is_sassy on

4 of 5 stars

If I’d just followed the rules…

You live and learn and today I learnt that following the Romance Reader Holy Grail Rulebook, is essential to find true happiness in your reading experience.

I read out of order…dah dah dahhhhh

It’s OK, I managed to recover and move on, but it was touch and go for awhile there. I nearly didn’t finish Ecstasy Unbound and poor Setta Jay may have had a completely undeserved DNF on her hands. See, I’ve come to realise these books are released in a certain order for the flow to work (Duh!!!). If I had read Ecstasy Unbound first I would have read the opening chapters getting sucked into a world, devouring explanations and getting turned on by the little bits and pieces of kinky play. I actually spent the time going – “Ew, Gross, you’re watching him”…and…”Would you hurry up already, I know all of this.” It did clear up some issues I had with Ecstasy Claimed, and I did have some “Ah ha” moments when I actually understood things better. So in the end, after a rocky (self-inflicted) start, it all came good and I ended on a high.

Alex, a Goddess, has led a fairly lonely existence. She does have her brothers, but besides them, she has lived a lonely existence in the Earth Realm. She knows she has a purpose there, but it still doesn’t make it any easier. She doesn’t want to make fleeting attachments to humans because they die. She also has the unfortunate problem that whenever she’s in the mood for touchy feely action, her brothers come running. See, they are telepathically linked and for some ungodly (pun intended) reason her body sends out a shield to protect her whenever she’s in trouble or having an orgasm…AWKWARD!! Well it’s a little bit more involved than that but you get the drift.

Uri is an Immortal Guardian who needs sex to keep his strength up (love Paranormal Smut) and the humans give it to him whenever he wants it. He and his fellow Guardian Gregoire, know just the right “clubs” to go to and just have to walk in and they get swarmed by the ladies. There’s this one chick though, who likes to watch…so what’s a Guardian to do? Put on a show of course.

Low and behold the little pervy chick turns out to be his destined mate…AWKWARD!!

Do you know one of the things I love about Paranormal Smut? That the author can manipulate all the tricky, icky and sometimes painful stuff and make it all sweet, tasty and intense…I want a bit of that ;)

Ecstasy Unbound is full of action, adventure, suspense and smutty, smutty paranormal loving. This series is fun, sexy and enthralling. I can’t help but be addicted to it and have already lined up the next one.

I received a complimentary copy of this book via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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  • Started reading
  • 29 September, 2015: Finished reading
  • 29 September, 2015: Reviewed