Reviewed by layawaydragon on

4 of 5 stars

I did not think I could be won over for a story following the privileged rich. While I realized the writing was great from the get-go, the name dropping name brand fashion blah blah in the beginning had me thinking I was right - this wasn't going to work for me.

And then the one line right before the shooting...And then the wife...The run...The dinner.

Once I got a little farther than the Bookish First Impression preview, I couldn't put it down. When I had to put it down, I kept thinking about it. II was itching to get back to it. I flew through the last half of the book in one sitting staying up late to finish it.

Loved it. All the characters, the descriptions, the plot, just all of it. Besides the name dropping beginning that does lay the foundation but comes off pretentious and blasé.

It may take a little while to get into, but when it starts poppin, it doesn't stop. Now I can easily recommend Bluff to anyone, especially if you want a twisty revenge tale.

Bluff is First Wives Club meets Ocean's 8.

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  • 1 December, 2018: Reviewed