Reviewed by chymerra on

2 of 5 stars

I so wanted to like this book. I mean, the storyline is great:

Girl goes to another plant and save its inhabitants from an evil reign set on wiping them out.

Unfortunately, even a great storyline can’t help awful characters.

I could not stand Ren. She came across as whiney in some parts of the story and almost childish in other parts. Her relationship with her father was nonexistent because she was still carrying a grudge over something that happened over 7 years earlier. The only person that actually likes her is her brother Elian….and she treated him like a child half the time. Two people call her out on her BS….Sheridan, her Sotarian (think bodyguard) and Abetha, her Guide (think of a tour guide who is a servant). Those scenes I liked.

She did because almost bearable during the last half of the book but still, she acted like a child and it drove me nuts. Definitely not my favorite character of all times.

The substory of the rebels was actually pretty good too and I enjoyed the twist that happened about midway through the book. Totally changed my view of one character.

The ending was really good (and this is where Ren almost redeemed herself) and the substory lines were tied up in a very satisfactory way. But it ended in a cliffhanger…which again, drove me nuts. I can’t stand them.

There is a 2nd book in the series but I am not sure if I want to read it or not. Like I said above, Ren really grated on my nerves and I don’t know if I could read another book with her in it.

**I chose to leave this review after reading an advance reader copy**

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  • Started reading
  • 29 November, 2016: Finished reading
  • 29 November, 2016: Reviewed