RuinWorld: Eye for an Eye by Derek Laufman

RuinWorld: Eye for an Eye

by Derek Laufman

Adventurers Rex and Pogo trek across the Ruinlands searching for treasure and magical artifacts, along with their not-always faithful companions.

It’s every adventurer for themselves in the Ruinlands! Join Pogo and Rex as they set out on a quest to hunt for valuable artifacts and magical weapons across the land. Along with plenty of not-always faithful companions, our heroes must battle dangerous tribes of Toadies, survive giant stone Golems, and stop a catastrophic world-ending disaster, all while evading a cunning gang of thieves trying in a race to the biggest treasure of all time. Cartoonist Derek Laufman (Marvel...Read more

Reviewed by Quirky Cat on

4 of 5 stars

I received a copy of Ruinworld through NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

Ruinland is an adventure story, through and through. It had a healthy dose of humor, there’s plenty of action, treasure, oh and did I mention that all of the characters are animals? So in short, it’s a perfect fun read.
The series follows the adventures of Rex and Pogo. These two are desperate to prove something of themselves, and they’d love to get some treasure while they’re at it. Of course nothing else goes perfectly for travelers like this, so our pair comes up against plenty of danger, and they even make a few (adorable) friends along the way.

Ruinland: Eye for an Eye was everything I had expected and hoped from this new series. It’s fun and light, but also had an interesting plot. I love relaxing adventure stories like this, especially when the main characters are so drastically different as these two are.
The characters are hilarious and adorable, which admittedly is a pretty major bonus in my book. I loved how all the different characters interacted, but more importantly I approve of the decision to add on to the main crew as time went on. It helped to balance the group, plus it added more interesting points (and plots).
There was more than one point during this read that I found myself laughing out loud. It seemed like there were so many funny lines thrown around, and maybe it’s just me, but many of the characters seemed pretty deadpan when delivering their lines, which just made it funnier for me.
Despite how casual this series is, there actually was some character development going on. I can tell you what each of the four characters is hoping to get out of their adventures, and why they joined the group. I can even tell you how and why they’re misunderstanding each other. It’s all very well done.
I really hope that Ruinworld continues coming out with new issues. This is exactly the sort of escape I needed, and I’m not ready to see it stop anytime soon.

For more reviews, check out Quirky Cat's Fat Stacks

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  • Started reading
  • 28 December, 2018: Finished reading
  • 28 December, 2018: Reviewed