Reviewed by Heather on

3 of 5 stars

Right as everything is coming together for Reese and her crew, a coup throws the planet into chaos. Now Reese is hiding refugees and political prisoners. Hirianthial is off planet with the deposed Queen getting medical treatment for his injuries he got during the attack. The only way back together is to get the rightful Queen back on the throne.

This book is about making a new civilization from the remains of an old one. How do they want to live? What does it take to rule? Liolesa, the deposed queen has been shoring up her people with off-World goods for years without their knowledge. What happens when the isolationists who take over have to face the truth?

There is the repeated rape of a female prisoner in this story. It happens off the page but it isn't graphically described. However, her reactions to this repeated trauma are described. This review was originally posted on Based On A True Story

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  • Started reading
  • 8 March, 2017: Finished reading
  • 8 March, 2017: Reviewed