Reviewed by bamxo on

4 of 5 stars

Received an ARC of this captivating story from Eric.
Now this type of book is not one I'd usually choose for myself (I'm usually a big lusty romantasy fan) however, this book defied all of my usual tastes and took me on a seaward journey.
I have 2 words for you. Pirates. Submarines.
(Yes, you heard me right you salty seadog.)

This book was everything I didn't know I wanted to read, it has a charming MMC with a mission, trying to protect everything he cares for, the journey they take in this book is a mass of sea, plunder, and strength.

There are so many different elements that I didn't expect to pair well together, that somehow just did, and I was left wanting more!
The characters were well defined and enjoyable to read, I particularly liked Captain Diamedes. A huge insufferable git, but entirely dedicated to his plundering selfish ways.

The book held my attention from start to finish, I don't know much about submarines or sailing, but the book was detailed enough for me to atleast pretend I understood what they were doing, I could picture it in my head clear as day, even if I had no clue which part was what, or what these sailing terms meant.

I found it entertaining and I only wish it had been longer. But I always wish good books were longer..

Thank you for giving me a chance to step out of my comfort zone by providing me with this book.
I will have to make it a habit to not judge books by lack of romance in future, because I feel fantasy adventure has a lot to offer. Not everything requires smut after all.

I recommend to all my fantasy reading friends.
A solid 4* from me. ⭐⭐⭐⭐

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  • Started reading
  • 13 March, 2024: Finished reading
  • 13 March, 2024: Reviewed