Reviewed by Hixxup on

5 of 5 stars

This series was a very good find, and as a random find on Kindle Unlimited. This series had me hooked from the very beginning with "After the Ending." This series was a co-author series, between Lindsey Fairleigh and Lindsey Pogue. This series is written in a point of view method which definitely kept you from getting lost on what's going on. I love the way this book and this series was written. I love the layout of the details in the series. It played vividly in my mind, from the start of the virus until the very end, when it was all said and done. The character build ups were great to the point that you felt each emotion, that you felt like you were actually standing there next to the characters. You laughed with them, you cried with them.

Before the Dawn, is the final book of the series (Besides the side books). It was end all be all of the books. Just as the group was beginning to feel comfortable in their lives and getting their routines down. All hell breaks loose again, but this time all the events are going to lead to the end. It took me so long to get through this book, because life got in the way as usual. But I'm glad I finally finished it. I'm currently sad that it's over, sad of all that tragic events in this book and the series as a whole. But happy because it ended so great for this kind of book. It wasn't a happily ever after, but a sense of peace for the entire group to really start their lives in this new world.

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  • 1 January, 2020: Finished reading
  • 1 January, 2020: Reviewed