You Are Never Alone by Max Lucado

You Are Never Alone

by Max Lucado

In this six-session video Bible study (DVD/digital downloads sold separately), bestselling author Max Lucado looks at the miracles of Jesus as recorded in the Gospel of John. As John states, he recorded many of these signs for an express purpose: "These are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name" (John 20:31). John chose the stories and events from Jesus' life that he believed would give his readers strength, empower them, lift them up, and speak life into their situations.

By the time John penned the words of his Gospel, he was an old man . . . his hair silver and skin wrinkled. He was pastoring a collection of Christ followers in the distant city of Ephesus. But he still loved to tell the story-some six decades earlier and a thousand miles removed-of when Jesus first called him to lay down his net . . . and he obeyed. The others are gone now. Peter, Andrew, James. They've long since followed their calls and fulfilled their missions. Only John remains, and he knows that his days are coming to an end. It is with this purpose that he takes up his pen . . . to help his readers believe and have life.

John's record of Jesus' miracles reassure us that we are never stuck or without hope. We are never forgotten. All the forces of heaven have been marshalled to come to our aid. A rescue mission is underway! The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. A multitude of angels and the power of Scripture. The strength of prayer and the wisdom of saints. All this, and more, are continually working together to get us out and see us through. This is the message of the miracles . . . that with God you are never alone.

Designed for use the You Are Never Alone Video Study (sold separately).

Reviewed by Jeff Sexton on

4 of 5 stars

What's In Your Basket? This is the second time I've had the honor of working with one of my childhood literary heroes as an advance reader of his new book, and the first time I've actually read the entire book before publication (in this case, roughly 3 months before). And this book is classic Lucado. Full of humor, real life stories, encouragement, ... and prooftexting. For those that don't know, "prooftexting" is the concept used quite extensively in Christian circles where you cite seemingly random Bible verses in support - "proof" - of whatever claim you're making at the time. And it is an automatic star deduction whenever I encounter it. No ifs, ands, or buts. This is my own way of waging war against the practice.

All of that noted, this particular book looks at several of the miracles as seen in the Gospel of John, which has long been my own personal favorite Gospel and book of the Bible. So much so that when I preached my own first sermon over two decades ago now, it too came from John - though not one of the stories Lucado so eloquently discusses here.

Seriously y'all, the guy is a master of the conversational style and inspirational writing. He has been for 30 years, and this book is no different there. Were it not for the prooftexting, this is a 5* book easily if you're remotely open to Christian thinking, and if you don't want to read a book that heavily references Christian thinking... why are you reading a book by one of the most well known Christian writers and pastors in America today? It even has a revelation or two that I didn't know myself and had to Google, but for those still as plugged into this community as I was long ago were likely old news at this point.

All told, a work that is very much recommended.

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  • 10 June, 2020: Finished reading
  • 10 June, 2020: Reviewed