Reviewed by Kim Deister on

5 of 5 stars

I love these books, just plain love them! I read a lot of YA, a lot of science fiction, a lot of fantasy, a lot of paranormal fantasy, and not nearly as much contemporary romance. Zane combines the best of romance with a little mystery and a whole lot of humor and the result is fantastically fun series to read!

Each book focuses on someone new, but we get to revisit all of our favorite characters from the other books in each subsequent book. This time we are following Violet in her adventures in romance, which take her all the way to Alaska. We met Mike in a previous book and now he is front and center with Violet in what has to be the weirdest courtship in the history of romance. And, he is not her only chance of "love"...!
As with all of these books, there is romance. And the romance is REAL. It's not overly glamorized or made "Prince Charming" perfect. There are ups and there are downs and I love that. And it isn't all about the romance, either. Just as important as the romance is the mystery. I love a good mystery! And the humor... oh, my! There are some hilarious, LOL moments, particularly in any conversation with Goldie who is and always has been one of my favorites in the series. She rocks! And, of course, there is the gnome, popping up in the strangest places!

Let's see, in this book, we have... overly amorous twin brothers who speak no English, an eccentric Uncle with questionable taste in fashion, a crazy blonde who has no trouble getting naked, word porn, fake G-men, a somewhat flamboyant older lady with a keen interest in sex toys, and a gnome. Does this make you wonder?! Well, it should... and, surprisingly, this isn't an erotica story, although there is some steamy goodness to be had here and there!

Things to love about Liar, Liar, Hearts on Fire...

-Revisiting characters. I absolutely love that about this series because you really grow to love some of these characters and it is nice to hear from them again.
--Zane's zaniness. How she does it is a mystery, but Zane can create the zaniest characters and madcap situations and they work beautifully. I love it!

My recommendation: My favorite thus far! A must read, BUT you should read the others first to get a fuller experience!

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  • Started reading
  • 4 December, 2013: Finished reading
  • 4 December, 2013: Reviewed