Reviewed by thebookdisciple on

4 of 5 stars

Heat: 4.5
POV: Dual
Trope: Man whore
Tears: no
Cliffhanger: no
Some Sort of Crazy is my first Melanie Harlow book. I must say, I was a little hesitant going into it based on the synopsis. I am really not into the whole man whore thing. And not only is Miles a man whore, he actually makes a living writing about his man whore shenanigans! Call me judgmental and prudish, but that really bothered me. I don't want my book boyfriends to share their man whorish ways with the world as a brag. Natalie was a good heroine, but not my favorite. She has been with the same guy for 10 years even though he is a major douche canoe. MAJOR douche canoe. So, in the beginning this book starts out like its going to be a love triangle (another trope I DO NOT like!) but it isn't at all. Douche canoe asks for a 'break' pretty early on, then she starts up with Miles. I liked the chemistry between Nat and Miles. They have so much fun together. I wanted to throat punch Miles repeatedly. He is an overgrown man child. However, I found it hard to really hate him. And by the end....oh the end. Major swoon! Seriously.
Quotes: I could see now how fear of change, or maybe fear of failure, had shaped that ambition into a careful, tidy, safe sort of life-Natalie
"I couldn't speak. i felt sort of sick to my stomach too. And my chest-what the hell was going on in there? Was it love or cardiac arrest? Fucking hell, did people actually like this feeling? It was horrible. I was going to die."-Miles.

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  • Started reading
  • 23 November, 2015: Finished reading
  • 23 November, 2015: Reviewed