Pete the Cat Goes Camping by

Pete the Cat Goes Camping (I Can Read Level 1)

Pete the Cat is ready for his first camping trip with his family. He gets to help collect sticks for the fire, eats s mores by the campsite, and even hear scary stories about a mysterious creature named Bigfoot. But Pete can t help but wonder is Bigfoot real?

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

4 of 5 stars

We love Pete the Cat and we love going camping as a family. What could be better than having both in a book?! Well, Bigfoot of course, the day after watching a fictitious film with Bigfoot. Ha. This was a selection in my Rascal son's subscription box for I Can Read! and he is thrilled with the selection and I'm delighted with the subject matter.

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  • 16 September, 2019: Reviewed