Reviewed by Molly J(Cover To Cover Cafe) on

5 of 5 stars

As I said with Fighting Temptation, basically, how in the ever loving hell have I NOT read this book before!? I absolutely went to jelly knees reading all about ‘Sexy Sawyer’ and his journey with ‘Cupcake’. I didn’t think I could love a character in the MOH series more than I did Jaxon…….but, oh how wrong I was!

Sawyer was witty, HOT AS HELL, and absolutely amazing with his love and devotion for Grace. Those two were absolutely perfect for each other. I loved how patiently persistent Sawyer was with ‘his Cupcake’. That’s exactly how my husband was with me and I could feel all of my own emotions resurfacing.

Grace’s sassiness was the absolute best mixture with Sawyer’s cocky attitude. Following Grace, learning all she went through, and all she lost, was absolutely heart breaking, but seeing her rise above it all, seeing her and Sawyer together, truly was badass in it’s own way and together they baked up as the perfect couple!

Lynn and her trademark angsty work stole my heart with book 1. With book 2, she has become my absolute second favorite author. The deep love these fierce and fearless men have for their witty, challenging women, are wonderfully chiseled into plot lines that have the feels. From start to finish, this book will have you twisted up inside with ALL THE FEELS. All of them. Every last one. But, in the end, you’ll be in love with Sawyer, Grace, and all the men, dying to read the next one. But, be warned…..Sawyer will set you on FIRE and make every part of your body blush in this 5 star read!

*I read this book from Kindle Unlimited and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*

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  • 28 June, 2019: Reviewed