Get Your Sh*t Together by Sarah Knight

Get Your Sh*t Together (No F*cks Given Guide, #2)

by Sarah Knight

Provides a straight-talking, humorous, and helpful guide to shedding self-doubt and finding one's own path to success.

Reviewed by remo on

2 of 5 stars

Meh. Tras la aparición del primero de esta clase de libros, se han subido al carro unos cuantos autores con la misma receta: sentido común expresado en forma ultraverdulera con paradas en zona sarcasmo para reponer fuerzas. Y eso que la autora escribe muy bien, me encanta su estilo y creo que es capaz de venderte cualquier moto; si le diera por la ficción sería una narradora a la que me podría enganchar.
El método No fucks given, de su primer libro, es sistemáticamente aplicado aquí para mejorar tu vida, en general y en particular.
It took me far too long to figure out that there was so much more I could be doing with my life, if I could only stop worrying about what I should be doing.[...] Get Your Shit Together can help you make plenty of smaller ones too. For example, do you ever find yourself stuck at the office — or just glued to the couch — when what you really want is to get out (for once), get to the gym (at last), or get started on that “someday” project that’s been hanging out on your to-do list since, oh . . . the beginning of time?

En un solo párrafo la autora define su estilo y su libro:
What would you say if I told you that there’s a path straight down the middle for all of us, leading right to the lives we want to live? It’s true! This book has something for everyone: Tips for becoming better organized, motivated, and on time? Check. Tricks for saving money, setting boundaries, and having difficult conversations with friends, family, and colleagues? Double check. How about advice for transcending everyday bullshit so you can finally focus on big-time dreams, like changing careers, buying a home, or just moving out of your parents’ basement? You. Are. In. Luck. It’s all here. I know what you’re thinking. How could so much goodness be contained in such a compact volume? This is a valid question. The answer is: I’m not here to teach you how to do a million separate things — there isn’t enough hand sanitizer in the world for that kind of handholding. I’m here to show you how to approach all the different stuff in your life so you can get it done in your own way, on your own schedule. My methods apply to all kinds of shit. And as it happens, I’ve had some success helping people make changes in their lives using simple advice, a bunch of expletives, and the occasional flowchart.

En realidad todo el libro podría ser, como ya me ha pasado en otras ocasiones, un buenísimo post de blog, pero claro, esos no los puedes vender en Amazon, así que está inflado de paja hasta alcanzar las 300 páginas. Una idea salvable es que en tu lista de tareas diarias primero hay que ordenar por prioridad, poniendo arriba las que sí o sí hay que hacer ese día, y luego te puedes casi olvidar de las que no. Al final transforma una To-Do list en una Must-Do List:
Today, my running to-do list looks like this:
Touch up my roots
Do laundry
Write 500 words
Watch the Red Sox game
Pick up prescription
Order birthday gift for husband
The prioritized version of the list looks like this:
Pick up prescription (I need to start taking it ASAP)
Write 500 words (daily word count necessary to keep deadline achievable)
Touch up my roots (eh, I can go another day without)
Do laundry (I need those pants two days from now)
Order gift for husband (whose birthday is in two weeks)
Watch the Red Sox game (there are 72 games left in the season)
And my must-do list looks like this:
Pick up prescription
Write 500 words
When I pare my list down to the truly necessary tasks, those are the only two things I really need to get done today. The rest of it is not “must-do.” (My savings plan is already so ingrained in me that I do it without putting it on the list, but I’ve been at this longer than you have.) Now my day looks much more approachable. I feel less panicky about getting everything done, because there are not that many things. I know exactly where I have to start, and to top it all off, I realize I now have more time than I thought I did (back when I was in the throes of Fuck Overload™) to tackle a few other, less urgent things.

Así que como resumen de sentido común:
I try to relax, take my own advice, and remember all the truths I hold to be self-evident: Strategize, focus, commit. Prioritize and delegate. When in doubt, hire a pro. And try to do it all without losing my mind.

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  • 7 July, 2020: Finished reading
  • 7 July, 2020: Reviewed