Nil by Lynne Matson

Nil (Nil)

by Lynne Matson

Transported through a "gate" to the mysterious island of Nil, seventeen-year-old Charley has 365 days to escape--or she will die.

Transported through a "gate" to the mysterious island of Nil, seventeen-year-old Charley has 365 days to escape or she will die. The plot contains mild profanity and graphic violence. Book #1

Reviewed by sleepseeker on

3 of 5 stars

This book sounds like all the other lost on an island or fighting for my life book, but it has enough things in it to feel different.

It has scenarios or rules that I've never seen before. It was an easy read and I read it in two days.

I really loved most characters and that's what made it an easy read. I love the character Charley.

My three star rating is because I didn't like how it ended. It could of easily been a 4 or 5 with a better ending. Books to me are suppose to end big or if not big than to go for wow factor or reveal something. I don't want to spoil anything but to me, there was nothing towards what the Author was building up to on the Island. Charley was making discoveries and figuring out clues about the Island. To have the book end, without even giving us something or anything about the Island is a let down.

(show spoiler)

I noticed there was a second book out, but with different characters. I see it has a great rating, that I'm considering reading it. I sincerely hope the Author continues on what Charley was working towards in that book. If I find out that we get nothing, I'm going to be disappointed.

I won this on goodreads giveaway for an honest review.

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  • Started reading
  • 5 May, 2015: Finished reading
  • 5 May, 2015: Reviewed