Reviewed by Eve1972 on

4 of 5 stars


This was a really cute story. It had likable characters (both main and secondary) It had humor. It had romance. The writing was engaging and kept me interested. On paper, I should have enjoyed it WAY more than I actually did. Well, that's not entirely true. I DID enjoy it. I just wasn't WOWED by it.

First off I would consider this a slow burn. The couple doesn't have sex until 70% in and even then it's not overly steamy. Up until that point, they have cute banter and flirty talk. I just never felt a BOOM sexual connection between these two. They came off more like BFF's than a couple who couldn't keep their hands off each other. Part of my problem was Brandon. He was a sweet guy, but a little bland and WAY too "beta" for my tastes. Lesa is really the one that does most of the pursuing. I prefer my hero's to be more alpha and in your face.

Even though this wasn't a total hit with me, it was still an enjoyable way to spend a few hours.

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  • Started reading
  • 28 December, 2016: Finished reading
  • 28 December, 2016: Reviewed