Oksa Pollock: The Last Hope by Anne Plichota, Cendrine Wolf

Oksa Pollock: The Last Hope

by Anne Plichota and Cendrine Wolf

A New Heroine. An Old Evil. An Unforgettable Adventure. A thrilling new supernatural adventure series. Fuses the excitement, action and extraordinary worlds of Harry Potter, I Am Number Four and Buffy the Vampire Slayer with an inspirational new teen heroine. Oksa Pollock is a normal thirteen-year-old girl, starting a new life in London. New lives, new friends, a new school and new adventures. But bizarre things start happening around Oksa she finds she can produce fire from her hands, move objects with her mind, and even fly. Finally the truth emerges...her family fled Edefia, their magical, hidden homeland years ago. And more than that: Oksa is their queen...Oksa will be thrown into a wilder adventure than she could ever have imagined. She must triumph over her enemies. The whole of Edefia is counting on her.

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

3 of 5 stars

I had a very meh reaction to this story. It's a pretty typical story of a teen who finds out that they have magical abilities and that there's a hidden world beside this one of magic and magical creatures. It's been done before and this version didn't stand out for me. I actually found it quite easy to put it down and move on to something else while reading it. It wasn't terrible, it just didn't wow me.

And to be honest I wanted more of Gus, I wanted his story. He seemed to be there as support not as a character of his own.

I think the most disappointing thing about this book was that it felt like it could be more.

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  • Started reading
  • 26 September, 2014: Finished reading
  • 26 September, 2014: Reviewed