Reviewed by thebookdisciple on

3 of 5 stars


Shifter's Sacrifice is book 1 in the One True Mate series by Lisa Ladew, a new to me author. Starting a new series, especially one that requires world building can be a challenge. I am torn about Shifter's Sacrifice and here is why:

  • the world building was confusing at times. The author tries to not dump it all at once in the beginning, which is great, but the way things were revealed got a bit confusing at times. It felt that things were out of order and I missed something, only to figure it out later.

  • I loved that there are lots of different shifters. The author has created a shifter world that is unique in many ways while not being so different that its too complex.

  • There is a LOT of back story that isn't fully explored. Again, I'm sure the author didn't want to dump it all out there, but I was left with a LOT of questions. What is an echo? Who knocked up Ella's sister? Whats up with the foxen? I know this is a series and these will probably be answered, but these 3 played a somewhat significant part in the story and I still don't understand WHY they were significant.

  • I thought about giving up. But I couldn't stop thinking about this book! That says something!

  • I love fated mates. Seriously, its like my favorite.

So, you see my issues? I couldn't put it down, which would totally be a 4-5 star read, but the beginning almost made me throw in the towel and DNF. So, I decided to go with 3.5 stars. I liked both characters, but the plot could have been better developed. Overall, I do plan to continue with the series. I am thinking that I will have less issues with the world building since book 2 is in the same world just with a different hero. And bonus? Its all in KU!

  • POV: 3rd

  • Tears: no

  • Trope: shifters, fated mates, angels

  • Triggers: none

  • Series/Standalone: series

  • Cliffhanger: not for the main couple but the story arc continues into the next book

  • HEA: yes for the main couple but no epilogue as they will be a part of future books

Drakon's Promise by NJ Walters, Falling for His Mate by Katie Reus and Savannah Stewart, Blade by Alexandra Ivy and Laura Wright...then you will probably like Shifter's Sacrifice!


Shifter's Sacrifice

See full review on The Book Disciple

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  • Started reading
  • 14 December, 2017: Finished reading
  • 14 December, 2017: Reviewed