Reviewed by Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading on

4 of 5 stars

This is one of the few times reading a series out-of-order paid off. If I had read book one first, chances are I would not have continued the series, and I would missed out on two awesome stories. Thankfully, I had an enjoyable experience with the last book in the series, which prompted me to read the earlier books.

What the story is about

BLOOD FREED takes us back into the world of supernatural beings and motorcycle gangs. In this installment we get the 411 on Anna's twin Liz and the werewolf Dexter MacCallahan. Liz is geared to take up her position, along with her sister, as the Oracle for the Blood Ravagers gang, but to do so they need to complete a binding ceremony. Unfortunately, the completion of the ceremony required vital information, which was not readily available. To obtain this information meant going on a dangerous journey. Liz, in a bid to prove she was competent, courageous and committed, volunteered to acquire the information.

To ensure her safety, Dexter was assigned the task of accompanying her. He was not keen about going, but this was a job he could not refuse, as getting this information was vital to security of all supernatural beings. However, there was a major problem: his rut was near, a rare phenomenon that requires werewolves to bond with their chosen mate. Failure to do so meant certain insanity and death.

What I liked:

The Story
Action, suspense, humour and sexual tension permeated the pages of this story. Danger abound as their enemies hunted the information Liz and Dex were seeking. I thoroughly enjoyed the banter between the protagonists, which was filled with humour and sexual innuendoes. The intensity of the action and suspense kept me on my toes and had me eagerly turning the pages. The story was narrated in the third person from both Liz and Dex's perspectives. Usually, I would have a hard time with third person narration, but fortunately this was not the case in this instance. The story came alive, and I felt as if I was involved in every aspect of this tale.

The Characters

Liz acts tough, but she is scared of embracing her destiny as the Oracle. She feared her love for adventure would cause her to fail as the Oracle. Therefore, she believed undertaking the dangerous mission would prove to the gang members and herself that she was more than capable of fulfilling her destiny. I had no problem relating to her. I understood her fears. Being an Oracle was a big deal and not a position to be taken lightly. What I loved most about her was her determination and strength. She was definitely a force to be reckoned with as her enemies would discover.

Dexter is a stoic, moody and gruff wolf shifter. A lone wolf scared of repeating the mistakes of his ancestors. Despite his attraction to Liz he believed he was not worthy of her. The burden of guilt from his past weighed him down, hindered his desire for happiness and caused him to doubt his abilities. His fear of history repeating itself trumped his fear of going on the mission with Liz. This fueled his determination in ensuring the success of the mission. Along the way, he would re-discover himself and learn that things were not always what they seem.

I enjoyed the interaction between Liz and Dex. I thought they were perfect for each. Two damaged souls who helped each other heal. Their feelings for each leapt off the pages and I found myself rooting for them every step of the way.

Conclusion /Recommendation:
This was an improvement to the previous installment. It was fun, exhilarating, adventurous, and suspenseful and filled with heat. I enjoyed every moment spent in the world that the author created.

Overall an exciting read and one which I recommend to readers who enjoy action, suspense and heat and the supernatural world.

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  • Started reading
  • 4 September, 2017: Finished reading
  • 4 September, 2017: Reviewed