Mr. Mergler, Beethoven, and Me by David Gutnick

Mr. Mergler, Beethoven, and Me

by David Gutnick

Not long after arriving in North America from China, a young girl and her father bump into a kind old man at their local park. They have no idea that he has been teaching young people music for over fifty years. Mr. Mergler can hear music in a way that most of us can't, and he knows this little girl has a talent that, with encouragement, will grow into something magical. He gives her a gift that will tie them together forever.

Reviewed by annieb123 on

4 of 5 stars

Originally published on my blog: Nonstop Reader.

This is a beautifully illustrated and gentle story for young readers. Each of the 32 pages are rendered in pen, ink and watercolor by illustrator Mathilde Cinq-Mars.
The text is written simply and eloquently by David Gutnik. The story follows a young Chinese girl who meets Mr. Mergler with her father in the park and becomes the latest of his many piano students. It's a poignant story and I was surprised to learn that Mr. Mergler was real, and the basic elements of the story were true. There's an afterword with a short biography of both Mr. Mergler and Beethoven.

I loved the art and the story was honestly written. I have experienced the joy and enrichment which comes from music myself, and Mr. Mergler seems to have been a wonderful and generous man whose lifelong dedication to teaching and inspiring hundreds of students over his lifetime is a fitting tribute.

Four stars.

Anticipated release date: 18th April 2018 from Second Story Press

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher.

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  • 3 November, 2017: Reviewed