A Merciful Truth by Kendra Elliot

A Merciful Truth (Mercy Kilpatrick, #2)

by Kendra Elliot

An Amazon Charts and Wall Street Journal bestseller.

Raised by a family of survivalists, FBI agent Mercy Kilpatrick can take on any challenge—even the hostile reception to her homecoming. But she's not the only one causing chaos in the rural community of Eagle's Nest, Oregon. At first believed to be teenage pranks, a series of fires takes a deadly turn with the murder of two sheriff's deputies. Now, along with Police Chief Truman Daly, Mercy is on the hunt for an arsonist turned killer.

Still shunned by her family and members of the community, Mercy must keep her ear close to the ground to pick up any leads. And it's not long before she hears rumors of the area's growing antigovernment militia movement. If the arsonist is among their ranks, Mercy is determined to smoke the culprit out. But when her investigation uncovers a shocking secret, will this hunt for a madman turn into her own trial by fire?

Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

4 of 5 stars

Fires originally mistaken as teenage pranks turn deadly and police officers lose their lives. The FBI assigns a team to investigate the murders in Eagle’s Nest, Oregon. Mercy along with Police Chief Truman Daly are hunting for the arsonist turned killer. The closer Mercy gets to the truth, the deadlier the hunt becomes.

Mercy was raised in a survivalist family until a disagreement led to her father and family shunning her. Since transferring to Bend she is beginning the process of reconnecting with her siblings and parents. It isn't easy, particularly with Mercy's career choice. Her brother Owen blames her for the events of the previous book and Mercy struggles not to blame herself.

Elliot does a delightful job of blending Mercy's daily life and trails within the community as Mercy investigates. It gives a nice balance to the suspenseful thread. Mercy is raising a teenager, and it scares the heck out of her as does the growing connection she feels with the local police chief.

As the reader we know who is responsible for the fires and killings which added suspense particularly as Mercy grew closer. Insider looks into different preppers from your average joe to secular groups were fascinating. It forced me to consider what I would do if everything shut down. I rarely carry cash or keep more than a weeks supply of food in my home. Sure, I prepped for Hurricanes and Snowstorms but this is quite bigger. What if the banks crashed?  This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Reviewer

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  • 5 July, 2018: Finished reading
  • 5 July, 2018: Reviewed