Reviewed by phyllish on

4 of 5 stars

A country boy looking to win his best friend's heart.

If you read Just Maybe, you may remember that Quinn is rather obsessed with grammar. Her brother, Chase, the hero in this book, is a riot as he antagonizes her by intentionally mispronouncing words and using clichés incorrectly. Talk about knowing how to push someone’s buttons!

So Chase is a type of endearing hero who drives me crazy. He is the best friend who would do anything for Livy. Always putting her needs above his own. He is protective and strong and able to fix things. He says the sweetest and most swoony things! Yet he is so afraid of exposing his heart; fearful that he will lose Livy if he does.

Livy has some secrets and honestly doesn’t feel that she is worth the kind of guy Chase tells her she deserves. She volunteers to try to atone for a choice she made that causes her great guilt. She is afraid to dream. She was so funny, too, when she got nervous and would just say whatever came to mind. And then continued to talk in an attempt to fix what she said only to make things even worse!

I enjoyed this tender romance. The “practice” dates that Chase took Livy on were sweet and humorous. Challenges of dealing with aging parents, insecure teens and a dead-end job added to the interest of the story. And I love/hated the way that the author would hint at something terrible happening at the end of a chapter and then abruptly switch the point of view in the next chapter and make me wait, impatiently, to find out what happened!

This review was originally posted on Among the Reads

I was given a free copy of this item. This gift did not influence my opinion or review.

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  • 18 October, 2018: Reviewed