Gut Health and Probiotics by Tschiesche, Jenny

Gut Health and Probiotics

by Tschiesche, Jenny

A simplified explanation of probiotics and what they can do for and to the human body is long overdue. Despite the fact that people use the term probiotics a lot in the media as well as in everyday life there appears to be some confusion as to whether probiotics are something that occurs naturally in a healthy human gut or 'biome', something that is added to your yogurt or whether it's simply a pot of pills that you need to take when you're ill.

_Gut Health and Probiotics_ will take readers on a quest to understand what both probiotics and prebiotics can do for their long term gut health and how this might affect a broad range of body systems from skin health to mental health.

Along the way readers will discover how useful probiotics are in both preventing and curing specific ailments, as Jenny explains just how simple it is to feel great from the inside-out.

Reviewed by annieb123 on

4 of 5 stars

Originally published on my blog: Nonstop Reader.

Gut Health and Probiotics is a layman guide to all things digestive. Author Jenny Tschiesche is a nutritionist and lecturer on healthy cooking, gut health, probiotics, etc. Released Aug 2018, the book is 160 pages and available in ebook and paperback formats.

This is an informational book aimed at the average person, it's not a medical/technical manual, there is little technical information ('biochemical' appears only 2 times in the text), and as such, it does a pretty good job of covering the essential information without being overly academic or 'scary'.

The book progresses from the introduction through the normal function of the alimentary canal with discussions on normal digestion and moves on to environmental factors' negative impact on function and health. The author includes a good discussion of probiotic/naturally fermented foods and how our dietary and lifestyle changes in just the last century have affected our health and gut environment.

I would recommend this as a reference for readers who are looking for a 'bridge' book at a level somewhere in between pop-science and medical reference. It's accessible, but not oversimplified.

This is an up to date book. There is exciting current research being done in the neurology/biome linkage to which she refers several times in the book. Good stuff.

Four stars

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  • 7 January, 2019: Finished reading
  • 7 January, 2019: Reviewed