Reviewed by chymerra on

5 of 5 stars

What a steamy, sensual book with a great plot. It is pretty rare that you find an erotica that actually sticks to the plot. Not that sex from page one is a bad thing but sometimes I need a little more and I found it in this book.

Irene was at the top of her game. She had it all: a great job, looks, intelligence but she was missing that special someone. Unfortunately, her boss’s son, a fellow lawyer, has set his sights on her and is determined to get her into bed. Which isn’t going to happen.

Irene is in for a surprise when her boss sends her to London for an International Criminal Law Congress. On the plane ride there, she notices a very attractive woman accompanied by several men. Overhearing their conversation, she figures out that they are a band. What she didn’t count on was the instant attraction that she had for the woman.

After they arrive in London, she starts to run into the woman….a lot. Irene finds out her name (Kayleigh), that she sings with a jazz band, that she is staying in the same hotel as she is and that Kayleigh’s jazz band will be singing at an event that Irene will going to with the other lawyers.

I loved the build up that the author did with Irene’s feelings for Kayleigh. The masturbation scene with the scarf was hot and what Kayleigh says when she realizes what Irene did with it was great!!!

Speaking of the sex scenes, holy cow were they intense. The author didn’t hold back on anything. My favorite scene was the one in the shower ;).

The end was a bit of a cliffhanger. Despite my dislike of cliffhangers, I need to read the next book. I need to find out if Kayleigh and Irene will hook up again.

How many stars will I give Cocoa Butter Skin: 5

Why: For a short story (54 pages) this book packs a lot in. I really enjoyed that there was a storyline with this story and the sex was only a small part of it. The build up to the sex was what got me!!

Will I reread: Yes

Will I recommend to family and friends: Yes

Age range: Adult

Why: Explicit sex

**I received a free copy of this book and volunteered to review it**

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  • Started reading
  • 20 February, 2017: Finished reading
  • 20 February, 2017: Reviewed