Jillian Spectre and the Dream Weaver by Nic Tatano

Jillian Spectre and the Dream Weaver (The Adventures of Jillian Spectre, #2)

by Nic Tatano

There’s a new villian in town…

One who can manipulate dreams and reality to the point that people can’t tell the difference.

This is a job for Jillian Spectre.

The snarky eighteen year old redhead with paranormal powers has already saved the world once but now she’s under attack by a force that might be above her pay grade.

The Dream Weaver.

When Jillian’s own dreams are invaded she finds herself desperately trying to separate reality from fantasy – and struggle with a totally inappropriate crush on someone who isn’t her mind reading boyfriend, Ryan.

When her own soul is on the line as the Dream Weaver manipulates her, Jillian has one shot to save herself and the rest of the world… or she and the rest of the world could be trapped in their dreams forever.

Reviewed by Leah on

4 of 5 stars

Since Nic Tatano released his first novel Wing Girl, I’ve been hooked on his books and I was STOKED when he wrote a Young Adult Paranormal novel last year called The Adventures of Jillian Spectre and EVEN MORE STOKED when it was revealed it was the first in a series – can I get a woohoo? I adored The Adventures of Jillian Spectre and I’ve been awaiting her sequel for what seems like aaaaaaaages and aaaaaages, and it’s finally here!

Jillian Spectre is actually one of the coolest chicks you’ll ever meet – along with her best friend Roxanne. I admire anyone who can be so blase about the fact she’s a superheroine at freaking eighteen! I mean I love this girl so much. She deals with a lot – A LOT, A LOT, A LOT – but she takes it in her stride and ends up beating the baddies, with Roxanne, Jake and Ryan right by her side. They’re quite the crime-fighting team actually.

While Jillian and co. are fighting a new villain in Jillian Spectre and The Dream Weaver, it’s still connected to the first book where they *SPOILER* took down Jillian’s dad. See, he’s this really evil guy and had this really evil plan to try and take over the world (muahahahaha and all that) and wouldn’t you know it? The evil guy doesn’t work alone – enter the dream weaver. Who causes HAVOC which made me so mad. Because you do NOT try to break apart Jillian, Roxanne, Jake and Ryan and not expect CONSEQUENCES. DO YOU HEAR ME, VILLAINS? That is NOT COOL.

I so enjoyed being back with Jillian and co. Even Fuzzball, I just love Fuzzball and not just because of his name. (Okay, because of his name). I wasn’t so hot on the Jillian fantasizing about another guy thing. Trip may have been pretty and built like a line-backer, but Ryan has my heart!!! Apart from that, it was full-speed ahead and it was a really, really great second installment. I just hope there’s a third book, because I have not yet had my fill of Jillian Spectre, not by half.

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  • 6 April, 2015: Finished reading
  • 6 April, 2015: Reviewed