Reviewed by Melanie on

4 of 5 stars

Review originally posted at

So the previous book ended with quite the cliffhanger. I’m really glad I didn’t have to wait for this book. I’m trying to decide how much to go into this story without giving away spoilers to this book or the earlier books, if you haven’t read them yet. I’m going to with, if it is covered under the blurb, it can go into this review. Make of that what you will. I will summarize my thoughts in the final paragraph (if you don’t want to read the middle because of possible spoilers, I completely understand).

This story picks up about two months after the end of Double Cross. Justine is studying to be a nurse. Yep, hypochondriac is reading up on all the many different ways she could die. She’s doing all of this without zinging (where she pushes her fear into another person). Between the studying and planning her wedding to the mayor, she hasn’t had much time to think about unlikely deaths (though it does still bother her at times).

The city is under martial law because the cannibals (mentioned in Double Cross). Justine isn’t allow to go anywhere without a bodyguard. Otto gives new meaning to overprotective (more like smothering). Justine isn’t happy about it. It does cause issues between her and Otto.

This is where I’m stopping about the plot. I can’t go into more without spilling the beans. What I will talk about is Justine’s father. I really liked him. He is hypochondriac, too (apple didn’t fall far from the tree), but his fear isn’t Vein Star Syndrome, but bacteria and germs. She doesn’t like to leave his house without full hazmat gear, respirators, full suit and all. Don’t think that makes him weak, because I really thought is was strong when it counted for Justine.

So to summarize, this story wrapped up this series really well. I loved the uniqueness of this series. The characters were all very likeable. This series isn’t all hearts and flowers. There are some hard deaths. There are some difficult choices that the characters have to make at times. I love how they want to do the right thing, but that isn’t a black or white issue. If you’re looking for an unique story, this trilogy will give you that.

I really enjoyed Rebecca Wisocky’s narration of this series. I think she did a good job with male and female voices. I liked her pace and tone. I don’t foresee her making my list of favorite narrators, but she did a good job. I will be more than happy to listen to her again.

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  • Started reading
  • 20 June, 2017: Finished reading
  • 20 June, 2017: Reviewed