Reviewed by Emma (SCR) on

4 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on Star Crossed Reviews I received this book for free from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.Thank you to Bookouture for my copy of this book. I loved Emma's Last book The Undercover Mother so when I saw this one I jumped at the chance to be part of the tour.

Rory is quite sick of everyone trying to get her to find a man. She's single mum to 16 year old Belle, works all hours as a teacher and has just taken on a 'project' house. She hasn't got time for a man even is she wanted one. I really liked Rory. She genuinely cares about her students, she wants to help everyone but she just doesn't seem to have time for herself. 

I loved the fairytale references throughout the book. I love fairytales and retellings and all things like that so these little references made me smile.

This might be a rom-com but its not your average rom-com. It also looked at some real serious issues like grief, loneliness, life limiting illnesses just to name a few. This is not by any means a heavy story but  it wasn't all roses and fairytales either.

This book has a tag line of laugh out loud funny. I would say it has some funny parts but not laugh out loud, ROFL kind of funny. However it's a brilliant story which I struggled to put down. 

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  • 10 July, 2018: Finished reading
  • 10 July, 2018: Reviewed