Only for You by Melissa Foster

Only for You (Sugar Lake, #2)

by Melissa Foster

Love only works when your heart is in the right place. Hers could be right next door…

Single mom Bridgette Dalton doesn’t have time to stop and smell the roses—not even in her own flower shop. But that doesn’t mean she hasn’t noticed Bodhi Booker. Her ruggedly handsome next-door neighbor would be the perfect candidate for a no-strings fling. Having loved and lost, Bridgette’s not ready to hand over her heart…but she could use a distraction.

Bodhi has one rule: never leave anyone behind. As a special operative, he knows that each new mission is more dangerous than the last. He’s never made a promise of forever to a woman, not even to the beautiful widow who has him tied in knots. And if there were anyone who could tempt him into putting down roots, it would be Bridgette and her adorable son.

But as his next deployment nears, they make a startling discovery. Their passion, meant only for the here and now, might already be blossoming into something more…

Reviewed by Emma (SCR) on

5 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on Star Crossed Reviews Thank you to Lisa for letting me be part of this tour. I am a huge Melissa fan. I loved the first book in this series and have been eagerly waiting for Bridgette's story.

Bridgette is a single mum to 5 year old Louie. She runs her own flower shop and is an all round supermum in my opinion. Bridgette has loved and lost in the past and now she not only has to protect herself but also little Louie.  I really loved Bridgette's character. She is extremely strong and brave. She is very hard on herself, especially when it comes to being a mum to Louie.

Bodhi is just about as close to perfect as I think it could get. He is sweet, caring and thoughtful. Throughout the book we always see him thinking about Louie before he does anything which I can't help but find endearing.

Little Louie is so funny in this book. You know how children say things and it breaks the tension and all the adults are laughing and the child has no idea why. Well that! If I have a kid like Louie I think I will be one happy mum.

This book gave me all the feels and all the tears. I spent about 2 chapters with just tears rolling down my face and I was so emotionally there with the characters that if it wasn't so damn cold I would have got my ice cream out the freezer to eat away the feelings.

I really love Bodhi's mum and Shira. Bodhi's mum had a lot of similarities to Bridgette which I enjoyed a lot. Shira was one of those characters that is so to the point that you just want to hug them for being the one to say what everyone else was thinking but without being aggressive. I hope she sticks around for another book.

I also adored Bridgette's siblings and I was super psyched to find out that they are all getting their own books! I cannot wait.

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  • 30 November, 2017: Finished reading
  • 30 November, 2017: Reviewed