Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

This novella by Marisa Chenery has all the ingredients for a great short read. A hot wolf shifter with a romantic side and a strong willed wildlife biologist with a love of wolves are sure to please. When Memphis went in to town for supplies with his younger brother the last thing he expected was to find his mate in the middle of a heated argument with the towns folks over the protection of the wolves in the area. Irony does not even begin to describe that.

The idea that a wolf shifter always gets his mating mark at the age of 30 is an interesting concept. No one is left waiting and searching for 100 years hoping to someday find their mate. However, I did feel that seeing as how they only have one week to find their mate, Memphis didn't treat the situation with enough seriousness in the beginning before he received his mark. He got lucky that he ran across his mate so quickly.

Although the length of Passionate Craving left a lot to be desired, it was incredibly short, I did find myself enjoying it. I just wish Chenery had given us a bigger glimpse of the family dynamic. To say that the story was a bit rushed is an understatement. So why such a high rating? Well, that's simple. Although only approximately 64 pages in length, it did grasp my interest in the characters and the series. That being said, I do look forward to reading the other books in the series. I just hope they're not all this short.

Reviewed by Iris for Cocktails and Books

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  • 29 October, 2014: Reviewed