Dare to Run by Jen McLaughlin

Dare to Run (Sons of Steel Row, #1)

by Jen McLaughlin

The New York times bestselling author of the Out of Line Novels takes readers to Boston where one gang of criminals knows how being bad can be so good...
She knows what he’s like on Boston’s mean streets. Now she’s going to find out if he’s got some heart.
Lucas Donahue is not ashamed of his criminal past, but after a brief stint in prison, he’s ready to go legit and live a normal life. The problem is, no one leaves the gang without permission—even if he is one of the boss’s top men. Plus someone’s placed...Read more

Reviewed by Rowena on

2 of 5 stars

I got about a third into this book before I gave up on it. I'm all for a strong heroine but I'm not a fan of the strong heroines who think they know best and smart off to the very people who tried to rape and kill her. I'm not buying that shit one bit so I'm throwing the towel in on this one.


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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 25 January, 2016: Finished reading
  • 25 January, 2016: Reviewed