Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

5 of 5 stars


Originally posted on Creative Madness Mama. 


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In the beginning of February, I told you about an awesome book from Answers in Genesis that made me really want to get this one too! If you missed that review, make sure to check back and read about Unwrapping the Pharaohs (review) as well. Many years now, I have slowly been collecting books for our studies. After all, I have known that I wanted to teach Classical Christian Education since my AppleBlossom was just a thought and now our studies for Ancient Egypt are finally here and we use these resources daily. At first, I found myself confused as I was just going on memory and thought that indeed Unwrapping the Pharaohs and Unveiling the Kings of Israel were, in fact, one book until I started writing out my lists and then I was shocked to discover that indeed they are two different books that complement each other greatly!

The complete title is Unveiling the Kings of Israel: Revealing the Bible's Archaeological History. What an incredible concept! Years ago, people might just say oh the Bible is just a myth, just a book of fairy tales told to scare people into a certain lifestyle. But as each year goes by, and more research is completed, each new find proves more and more how the Bible is truth and facts support it. In my youth growing up, a timeline of "young Earth" vs. "old Earth" wasn't an issue. There wasn't a demand for absolute evolutionism vs. Creationism. It was just this is what science says, this is what historical record says, and this is what the Bible says... now make up your own thesis. Today, our church can have more information to build their comprehension of history on and so much of that points right back to what the Bible and biblical scholars states.

Unveiling the Kings of Israel is a history of Israel presented in an awe-inspiring and glossy full-color high-quality book. This book reveals the archaeological evidence supporting from the time before Abraham in Ur to beyond Solomon and more. The vibrancy of the photography chosen brings these locations to life. This would be a great reference for someone that is unable to ever physically visit the promised land. Through Unveiling the Kings of Israel, students of any age can go back in time to the streets of Biblical notability and understand where the fathers of faith come from.


This review was originally posted on Creative Madness Mama.

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  • 19 December, 2016: Reviewed