Archer by Rae Rivers

Archer (The Keepers, #2)

by Rae Rivers

`Vampires and werewolves are so 2000. As in: over. Thanks to …Rae Rivers, we’re now totally hooked on witches.’ – No. 5 on Grazia SA’s `Ten Hot Things to Do List’

You’ve read the free prequel, The Keepers: Sienna, now continue the journey with book one in this thrilling new paranormal trilogy…

`Don’t ever look for me again, Archer.’
His mouth curled into a smile. `Game on.’

Central Park. Sienna Beckham is out jogging in the autumn sun, feeling almost ordinary. Trouble is, she'll never be. She's on the run from her life as a powerful witch and the three Keepers blood-bound to protect her.

Evil is hot on Sienna's tail and Archer Bennett is searching for her, desperate to find her before they do. As one of her Keepers, he will fight to his death to defend her.

Sienna must return and defend her hometown, Rapid Ralls – but she has to face the past and master her powers. And as forbidden feelings blossom between Sienna and Archer, will their love survive the ultimate war?

The Keepers: three strong and handsome warrior brothers, born to protect.

Available now:

The free prequel to the series…

The Keepers: Sienna

Coming soon:

Books 2 & 3

The Keepers: Declan
The Keepers: Ethan

Reviewed by Emma (SCR) on

4 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on Star Crossed Reviews I received this book for free from the Author in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.Thank you to Rae for sending me a copy of this book for review. I first heard of these books during Harper Impulse Fortnight last April/May time. I read Sienna's story back then but unfortunately I haven't had the time to read the rest od the series until now. The Keepers series focus' on the Bennett brothers, Archer, Declan and Ethan and their witch Sienna Beckham. Each book focuses on one of the Keepers. Archer's book is first.

Sienna and Archer while having a Keeper, witch relationship also have something else. There has always been this chemistry between them. However, a romantic relationship between a keeper and their witch is forbidden and cursed. In this book we see Sienna and Archer's constant struggle with their feelings and what they know they should be doing.

This book will constantly surprise you. Every time you think you have something figured out, bam! Rae takes it in a direction you didn't see coming.

This is Rae's debut and I have to say she really makes her mark. Her writing is captivating and addictive. Rae is most definitely not afraid to push the boundaries and test your emotions.

As soon as I finished this book I started on Declan's. I'm extremely excited for this one as Declan is most definitely my favourite.

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  • Started reading
  • 8 April, 2016: Finished reading
  • 8 April, 2016: Reviewed