The Languages of Logic by Samuel Guttenplan

The Languages of Logic

by Samuel Guttenplan

`Guttenplan is an exceptional writer. Few textbooks are written as lucidly and coherently as this one is. The book is very well organized. Simple, commonsensical themes that are introduced early in the text become the bases for the subsequent development of highly technical concepts. This is an extremely well-written, well-organized, and well-conceived book that can be highly recommended to philosophy students and to anyone else who wants, not merely to manipulate symbols, but to gain an insight into the languages of logic.' Teaching Philosophy `The Languages of Logic' is an introductory logic textbook with a difference. Working from the conviciton that formal logic is comething to be learned and then used, rather than suffered and forgotten, Samuel Guttenplan explains the main concepts and techniques with their ultimate application clearly in mind.

Reviewed by Linda on

3 of 5 stars

This book was very helpful, but I am still not fluent in PL, and I wonder what else I can do to get it all together before my exam in January...

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  • Started reading
  • 18 November, 2010: Finished reading
  • 18 November, 2010: Reviewed