Stuff Every Gardener Should Know by Scott Meyer

Stuff Every Gardener Should Know (Stuff You Should Know, #19)

by Scott Meyer

What s the difference between heirlooms and hybrids? How can I stop weeds from invading my flowerbeds? And what s the best way to attract helpful, beneficial insects? All these questions and more are answered in Stuff Every Gardener Should Know a handy little reference book that s perfect for gardeners of all ages and experience. From the secrets of indoor seed-starting to tips for hassle free roses, this delightful companion is blooming with fun facts and helpful ideas.

Reviewed by celinenyx on

2 of 5 stars

This read more like a series of blog posts than a coherent book. Wouldn't recommend it to a beginner; the explanations are often so short that they're almost useless.

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  • 13 May, 2020: Finished reading
  • 13 May, 2020: Reviewed