The Book of Lies by Teri Terry

The Book of Lies

by Teri Terry

"Twin teen girls with very different upbringings meet for the first time at their mother's funeral. As they get to know each other, it becomes clear that one of the sisters is driven by a secret destructive power-or is it both?"--

Reviewed by Leah on

4 of 5 stars

This was a solid, intriguing read. I love the idea of twins, and for so long I wanted one. Wouldn't it be amazing to have someone who looks like you? Who you share everything with? Who you can use to confuse people? That's the dream!

What surprised me is how quickly Piper and Quinn got close. They knew nothing about each other really and yet Piper was willing to let Quinn come crashing into her life, although it did always feel like Piper had an ulterior motive of some kind, since it's referred to that Piper was different to most people. It just seemed rushed but it also kind of worked because I suppose if someone walked into my life claiming to be my long lost twin I would probably do the same as Piper. I would hardly want Quinn to leave.

I read this book so quickly. I flew through the first 175 pages in about an hour and a half and I was completely suckered in. I knew how it was going to end - but I also enjoyed the ride to get there.

This was probably my favourite Teri Terry book. I loved the Slated trilogy but this one just had this extra oomph that blew me away. It was a brilliant thriller.

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  • Started reading
  • 10 June, 2017: Finished reading
  • 10 June, 2017: Reviewed