Grey Wolves by Robert Muchamore

Grey Wolves (Henderson's Boys)

by Robert Muchamore

Spring, 1941.

German submarines are prowling the North Atlantic, sinking ships filled with the food, fuel and weapons that Britain needs to survive.

With the Royal Navy losing the war at sea, six young agents must sneak into Nazi-occupied Europe and sabotage a submarine base on France's western coast.

If the submarines aren't stopped, the British people will starve.

Reviewed by funstm on

2 of 5 stars

I said in one of my other reviews of this series about the ability of a woman to overcome her weaknesses to kick ass. And that is definitely true in these books - but the attitude of men in Henderson's Boys and the Cherub series is appalling. While some degree of disregard for women's feelings and pushing for sex is realistic, the extent that these men do is not only disgusting but wrong. And it's wrong on many levels. Not just because it does paint all men with the same brush - and the fact is not all men are alike to this extent - but also because it sets a bad example and precedent for males reading this series. Sure, the females mostly fight back - but they also shouldn't have to. Being treated like crap or being pushed into sex or being talked about with such casual disregard is wrong. PT is a disgusting pig. James Adams is a disgusting pig. A couple of incidents would be reasonable to include - because sexual harassment and assault is a reality for many women. But every male/female interaction is a bit much. More importantly, by not teaching boundaries and having men respect those boundaries, we're essentially saying this behaviour is okay. And I'm not sure that the interactions and reactions of the characters to these incidents accurately or realistically conveys the seriousness and reprehensible nature of these actions.

As such, I didn't like this book anywhere near as much as the others in the series. Plus there wasn't as much Rosie or Marc or Paul in this book and as they're my favourites this one felt lacking. I'm also concerned about Rosie and Henderson - Henderson is a lecherous pig and it's like I keep waiting for him to decide Rosie is old enough to pursue - he went after Boo quickly enough.

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  • 19 October, 2017: Reviewed