Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

5 of 5 stars

I'm thrilled with these 5-in-1 collections of The Berenstain Bears Living Lights. This book in hardcover is such a good quality I know it will last a long time. The five stories in this one are all the basics of Christian belief in The Berenstain Bears story books.

[bc:The Berenstain Bears: Kindness Counts|7973687|The Berenstain Bears Kindness Counts|Jan Berenstain||12193006][bc:The Berenstain Bears Say Their Prayers|15492117|The Berenstain Bears Say Their Prayers|Stan Berenstain||2562839]

[bc:The Berenstsain Bears: God Loves You!|3147011|The Berenstsain Bears God Loves You! (Berenstain Bears)|Stan Berenstain||3178502]
"God loves you" - 1 John 4:16 a board book with both Brother & Sister Bear learning about the importances of team managers as well as a team player. The illustrations of nature in this book are especially pretty. Each page works through more and more places to see God's love which is there no matter what.

[bc:The Berenstain Bears Go to Sunday School|2554589|The Berenstain Bears Go to Sunday School|Stan Berenstain||7485826]

What a wonderful this story is and so true to many a family life. The Berenstain Bears have always been wonderful, but the Go to Sunday School story is a great one to share and explain to family how great going to church and Sunday School can be, even for a bear. :)

I highly recommend this story for families, especially those with kids ages 4-7. This and all the other Berenstain Bear books, especially the newest ones coming from Mike Berenstain, son to the creators Jan and Stan. How busy is your life? Can you find time for church and Sunday School as a family?

[bc:The Berenstain Bears and the Golden Rule|7161101|The Berenstain Bears and the Golden Rule|Stan Berenstain||2562841]

It's been years since I have read any of the adventures with the Berenstain Bears, but it was definitely a strong part of my earliest childhood that I have spare memories of. The Berenstain Bears and the Golden Rule is a winner in my opinion and a shelf keeper for every family.

Sister Bear gets to learn more about that phrase she knows so well, but has never really considered. This classic is a wonderful learning tool for any child and I strongly recommend it. On the inside of the back cover is a reader's guide, which I do not remember as a child, but has great questions to further the learning and understanding of a reader.

What a wonderful experience spending time with the Berenstain Bears is, I cannot wait for more!

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  • 2 August, 2013: Finished reading
  • 2 August, 2013: Reviewed