After the End by Amy Plum

After the End (After the End, #1)

by Amy Plum

Michael Grant's Gone series meets M. Night Shyamalan's The Village in this riveting story of one girl's journey to save the very people who have lied to her for her entire life. Amy Plum, international bestselling author of the Die for Me series, delivers a fast-paced adventure perfect for fans of Marie Lu, Veronica Rossi, and Robison Wells.

Juneau grew up fearing the outside world. The elders told her that beyond the borders of their land in the Alaskan wilderness, nuclear war had destroyed everything. But when Juneau returns from a hunting trip one day and discovers her people...

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Reviewed by shannonmiz on

4 of 5 stars

This was quite the unique book! I really wasn't sure what to expect going into it, really. I'd read the synopsis of course, but steered clear of reviews because I didn't want to know any more. I wanted to be surprised, and read it without being clouded by anyone else's thoughts. I liked the Alaska bit, but knowing we weren't going to be there for long, I didn't get too attached.

Basically, as the story unfolds, you have a lot of stuff going on, and if you read the synopsis, you'll know none of it is of a dystopian nature. You have survival, lies, complicated relationships, mystery, witty banter, Yara (you'll have to read to figure all that out!), and a pretty intense road trip. And a cliffhanger, don't forget the cliffhanger.

What I liked: This was different. I felt like finally, finally a book I had not read components of before. This was truly original. Juneau was awesome as the female protagonist. She was just amazing: Strong, clever, witty, and of course, utterly confused. The author did such a remarkable job of actually convincing me that Juneau didn't have a clue, was completely sheltered. Miles was a mess. But you kind of know he can be reformed, that he is not doomed to be an immature brat forever. Amy Plum did another great job at accurately depicting how someone would react to meeting Juneau. Their relationship was so fun to watch play out. There was no ridiculous insta-love, just a lot of mutual disdain and confusion, which finally gave way to them each giving in a bit and learning to trust. I loved the survival aspect, and I am a sucker for a road trip, so that was enjoyable too. And I feel like there is so much more I want to know, so I am definitely going to be waiting for the second book to see if any of my theories prove accurate!

What I didn't: It isn't that I didn't like the Yara stuff, it's just that I am on the fence about it. I know it is a big component to the story, but I am so closed-minded about the "mystical" sort of thing, that I found myself not believing it (which, perhaps, isn't a bad thing). And there were a few times that I was just kind of thinking that the book could move along a bit faster than it was. But overall, it was incredibly enjoyable, and I am really looking forward to the sequel!

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  • Started reading
  • 13 May, 2014: Finished reading
  • 13 May, 2014: Reviewed