Bride without a Groom by Amy Lynch

Bride without a Groom

by Amy Lynch

Single, coupled-up or married, this laugh-out-loud summer read is the perfect anecdote for the wedding season!

Rebecca has chosen the most luscious, five tiered, wedding cake. The engagement ring that she has selected is celebrity inspired. The wedding singer is on speed dial. He doesn’t usually do Michael Bolton, but as it’s for a first dance he’ll make an exception. Father Maguire is checking dates for the parish church as we speak. The deposit on the white sand honeymoon is paid for in full on Barry’s card. She has fallen for an ivory lace couture gown that is to die for. The down payment may require her to sell a left kidney, but it will be worth it. Isn’t that why you have two?

There’s one teeny tiny problem. It’s nothing, really. No need to panic! It’s just that Barry has yet to propose. Says he’s not ready! He can be a bit of a kill joy that way. It’s time to face the harsh reality – Rebecca is a bride without a groom!

Reviewed by Leah on

1 of 5 stars

Oh GOD. This book was awful. When I first started reading it, I thought it was cute. But Rebecca is one of the most selfish characters I've ever met. She's clearly meant to be based on the beloved Rebecca Bloomwood, but they're so far apart it's unreal. The only thing they have in common is their first name. Rebecca was just so vapid, selfish, self-absorbed. Jesus Christ, she didn't even know what country her boyfriend was in, which wound me up no end. She barely showed up to work, coming up with excuse after excuse (ridiculous excuses as well, mind) and I just wanted to punch her in the face.

I kept persevering until I couldn't persevere any more. There's only so much whinging and whining you can put up with, until you want to tell someone to get a grip and Rebecca sorely needed to get a grip. She didn't live in the real world, in fact the real world was barely a speck on her horizon.

I don't actually know how anyone could like or warm to Rebecca. She was not redeemable in the slightest. Eventually I had to give up on this book. I don't mind a bridezilla at all, in fact it can be very entertaining, but Rebecca just didn't care enough about ANYBODY ELSE to get out of her own bubble of selfishness and that is what I hated. Rebecca was too calculating and too much of an idiot for me to ever warm to her. I'm just surprised it took me until halfway through to see that she would never change. Ugh.

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  • Started reading
  • 21 July, 2015: Finished reading
  • 21 July, 2015: Reviewed