Double Dexter by Jeff Lindsay

Double Dexter (Dexter, #6)

by Jeff Lindsay

A witness. Such a simple concept - and yet for Dexter Morgan, a perfectly well-disguised serial killer, the possibility of a witness is terrifying. As an upstanding blood-spatter analyst for the Miami Police, Dexter has always managed to keep the darker side of his life out of the spotlight. An expert at finding truly bad people - murderers who've long escaped justice - and giving them his own special attention. But now someone has seen him in the act. Dexter is being followed, manipulated and mimicked, leading him to realise that no one likes to have a double - especially when his double's goal is to kill him. Like the five previously bestselling novels in the Dexter series, Jeff Lindsay demonstrates the witty, macabre originality that has propelled Dexter to international success.

Reviewed by tellemonstar on

4 of 5 stars

Oh Dexter, you're so damn hapless and helpless when it comes to human emotions and I love it. Although I'm not sure why Rita is so annoying this time.

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  • Started reading
  • 31 October, 2011: Finished reading
  • 31 October, 2011: Reviewed