Reviewed by Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading on

4 of 5 stars

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.Women have to work extra hard to prove themselves, especially  when competing in a world dominated by men. In Boss Lady, Harper Merrick seeks to seize the world of stock car racing by storm. Her success would make her the first woman to manage a team of stock race drivers. This story highlights the struggles women face  and the constant need to prove that they can succeed in this male driven industry. 

I loved the first book in the series, A Fast Woman and was elated to receive a copy of  Boss Lady to review. It picked up from where book one left off. Despite this, it can be read as a stand-alone. I first met the protagonists in the book one and sensed the attraction brewing between them. 

Harper currently works for her father, but dreams of managing her own team with her best friend C J Lomax as her top female driver. However. being a woman in a man’s world would prove a challenge to her ambitions. Enters Cal McBane, the brother of her best friend’s fiancée. He offered to invest in her dream, an offer she wasn’t too keen on. However, she accepted his offer with the caveat that he would remain a silent partner. 

Reasons to Grab Boss Lady
The Characters

Harper was a strong, independent, and driven woman. She showed she was not afraid to pursue her dream despite the many obstacles she faced. She held her own with the media and rivals in the industry. However, she had  moments when her fears and insecurities reared their head, which led to her fighting Cal’s support and her feelings for him.

Cal’s investment in Harper’s dream was a spur-of-the-moment decision. He saw it as a fun way to get back at his father for his controlling ways. Cal is confident, charming and protective of those he loves. His need to protect created conflict with Harper, who wanted to prove she could succeed without a man’s interference.

Including characters from the previous book and introducing new ones created interesting, entertaining and dramatic moments. 

The Romance

The romance was a slow burn, which encountered its share of obstacles. Obstacles in the form of fear, insecurities, distance, the media and exes from both sides. It felt authentic, and I kept rooting for them. 

The Plot

Once again the author had me curious to know how it would all end and the impact the decisions made and action taken would have on all involved.


A good time was had with this installment of the Driven Women series. I can’t wait to see what next the author will offer in this world of stock car racing.  This review was originally posted on Totally Addicted to Reading

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  • 24 July, 2021: Finished reading
  • 24 July, 2021: Reviewed