In Doubt by Drusilla Campbell

In Doubt

by Drusilla Campbell

Defense Attorney Sophie Giraudo is about to open a new legal practice in her hometown of San Sebastian, California, when the beloved governer is shot and seriously wounded during a celebration in the town park. The only thing more shocking than the crime itself is the identity of the would-be assassin: a seemingly gentle teenager named Donny. Driven by her desire to understand what could make a person with no history of violence commit such a terrible act, Sophie reluctantly agrees to take him on as a client, knowing that, at least, it will bring her some income. But soon she realises that she also has personal motivations for taking the case: a desire to prove to her overbearing mother that she is not the reckless and self-destructive teenager she used to be, to prove to herself that the traumatic events of her adolescence no longer define her.

As she digs deeper into Donny's past, Sophie begins to suspect that he might not be the cold-blooded killer everyone thinks he is. Does Donny's narcissistic mother really have her son's best interest in mind? Is Donny's mentor who runs Boys Into Men, a program for disadvantaged youths, the altruistic man he claims to be? Is Donny a deranged murdered, or a victim of his circumstances acting out of desperation? As Sophie races to uncover the truth, she is forced to come to terms with her past and to fight for what she knows is right...even if it means risking her reputation and possibly her life.

Reviewed by Leah on

4 of 5 stars

When I spotted In Doubt on Netgalley, I thought it sounded super interesting. I love the odd crime novel and it’s been ages since I read one, so I was quite excited to dive in. I especially like when the novel is set around the world of the law, it’s a fascinating process and in another life I might have liked to be a lawyer, though I’m still not sure if I’d be a prosecutor or a defender!

In Doubt was a clever novel – told in third person, and including many, many different characters, but the crux of the story is Donny Crinder’s attempt to kill the Governor of San Sebastián, Maggie Duarte. She’s like a national treasure, and so the entire community is stunned when Donny does what he does, but Sophie decides to take on his case, and as she digs further and further into Donny’s life she sees it isn’t an open and shut case as her ex, and prosecutor, Ben assumes.

I enjoyed In Doubt, it had a good pace to it, lots of threads to the story and it unravelled at just the right speed, so you’re never overwhelmed with information. I liked that Sophie was willing to defend Donny, and I was quite disappointed Donny wasn’t more forthcoming, he was like a closed book that wouldn’t open no matter what. It would have been nice to hear things from his perspective.

My only issue with the novel is the abrupt ending – that seems to happen to me frequently, recently. Books just end! And I’m left with unanswered questions – who was targeting Sophie, with threats and breaking into her home, and stealing her shoes, what had happened to Hamp’s daughter? Why ask the questions if they aren’t answered? But other than that, In Doubt was a fascinating read, with so many layers to it! No one was as they seemed, and I liked the doubt thrown over everyone!

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  • 30 July, 2014: Finished reading
  • 30 July, 2014: Reviewed