I'm Virtually Yours by Jennifer Bohnet

I'm Virtually Yours

by Jennifer Bohnet

Need a virtual PA? Then Polly Jones is your girl!

Polly Jones is taken aback when a new client asks her to investigate the Robertson family business in Devon, after all, a ‘virtual assistant’ doesn’t usually leave their home office! But she needs the work – and less proximity to an endless supply of tea and biscuits can only be a good thing right? So she sets off, with energetic puppy Rosie close by her side.

Polly’s new job isn’t quite in her comfort zone… Arriving in the small fishing village where everyone knows everyone’s business, any upsides (all those yummy scones and clotted cream) of course have their downside – she’s completely forgotten to pack her sea legs, and the temptingly handsome Will Robertson is making her job difficult at every turn.

It’s so much easier to keep things strictly professional in the virtual world – but with no e-mail to hide behind Polly must admit that Will’s smile is incredibly, deliciously distracting…

Praise for Jennifer Bohnet

'…it was such a lovely, sweet read that I didn’t want to end!' – Chick Lit Reviews

'What a sweet romance, set by the seaside, starring appealing characters, namely likeable Polly, mysterious Daniel and hunky Will. An intriguing plot with a satisfying ending.' – The Virtual Bookcase

Reviewed by Leah on

5 of 5 stars

When Jennifer Bohnet tweeted me and asked me if i would like to review her new novella I’m Virtually Yours, I jumped at the chance. I’d noticed it a few days before and it was going to be added to my wish list for when I had cleared some of my other review books, but Jennifer’s offer was greatly accepted and I decided to read it immediately – that’s the thing with novellas, they don’t take very long to read and this was a delightful little read!

Polly Jones is a virtual PA; after being made redundant from her job at a travel agents she plunged the money into starting her own virtual PA business Virtually Yours. When a client emails and asks her to head to the West Country for a job, she’s filled with derision; she’s a virtual PA the whole point of that is you can do it from home, but when DF tells her he wants a more personal thorough look into the business he’s thinking of investing in, Poly agrees and heads down there with her dog, Rosie. Once there she’s plunged right into the middle of it all and finds herself strangely attracted to owner Ben’s son, Will, who is sceptical over the whole deal, but can Polly convince him that her employer is the real deal??

I really enjoyed I’m Virtually Yours, it was such a lovely, sweet read that I didn’t want to end! I enjoyed getting to know Polly and the Robertsons, I loved hearing more about boats, a topic that isn’t high up on my list of subjects I know about, and I always love novels set in the West Country, it sounds amazing down there and all novels set there always seem magical. There was even a bit of mystery in the novel, which added a bit of suspense as someone was sabotaging the Robertsons business. Overall it was a quick, fun, enjoyable read and I hope Bohnet is working on a new Carina novel (hopefully a longer one as I was sad when I’m Virtually Yours ended) as she’s a fab writer!

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  • 16 December, 2013: Finished reading
  • 16 December, 2013: Reviewed